Kamis, 15 Maret 2012

Growing Organic Rice a Bucket at a Time in East Jakarta

Grace Susetyo |
The Jakarta Globe, March 11, 2012
Source : Growing Organic Rice a Bucket at a Time in East Jakarta

Middle-school teacher Suhri helps students tend to rice plants. His Bucket Rice Club can produce three harvests a year, and each bucket can produce 100 to 300 grams of grain. (Photo courtesy of SMPN 209).

There are bright forecasts for Indonesia’s economy this year, but the prospects for its rice fields appear far dimmer. As the economy booms along, more and more rice fields are converted to housing estates and industrial areas, which could spell trouble for a country that lives on the grain as one of the biggest consumers of rice in the world.

A possible solution might lie in the hands of some teenagers. A group of junior high school students from SMPN 209 in East Jakarta is proving that organic rice can be grown in an urban setting by well-dressed kids.

The materials? Earth, cattle manure, buckets, water and Ciherang rice seedlings. The variety is ideal because it can be planted during both the rainy and the dry seasons. Additionally, the rice can be harvested about 110 days after the seeds are planted, which means there are about three harvests a year.

The cost? About Rp 5,000 (55 cents) per bucket, from which 100 to 300 grams of grains are produced. Recently, 30 kilograms of rice were harvested from SMPN 209’s 300-bucket project. Not bad for tweens aged 11 to 14, many of whom are first-timers at raising crops.

Suhri is the proud Bahasa Indonesia teacher behind the project. He learned about Ciherang rice back in 2007 on a trip home to Pangandaran in West Java, when his brother described a similar project going on in the village.

It was perfect timing because around that time Suhri had taken charge of SMPN 209’s re-vegetation project. Aside from planting rice, Suhri had very little farming experience but he was eager to make the project unique and memorable for his students.

Back in Jakarta, Suhri experimented with planting rice in buckets in his own yard before introducing the project at school. He quickly drew the students’ curiosity and interest and, gradually, their active participation. The project now sits on the concrete rooftop of the school’s musholla (prayer house), the fruits of the work of about 300 students.

“The Bucket Rice Club is so different from our other ones,” said Salsabila. a seventh grader. “Before, I thought that cultivating rice was dirty work that could only be done in a wet field. But here, we plant rice dressed in ties and shoes.”

Buckets are key to making rice cultivation much more efficient. “All the nutrients and water that the crop needs stay in there during its life cycle,” Suhri said. “This solves problems like the high cost of fertilizers, irrigation and agricultural pollution resulting from chemical runoff during rains.”

Although ripe crops occasionally attract birds, Suhri said pests were not a serious problem. To protect the plants from unwanted attention, they can be covered with a protective net or even relocated to a safer spot. This means that no pesticides are needed in the cultivation process.

Additionally, the low maintenance method means that even busy urbanites can squeeze raising crops into their hectic schedules. The project demonstrates the relative ease of producing organic rice from the comfort of a high-rise apartment’s balcony in Jakarta.

In the interest of creating solutions for a greener world, the Bucket Rice Club has also started planting some crops in recycled containers, such as coconut shells and plastic bottles. In addition to rice, the kids are currently experimenting with growing kangkung (water spinach).

Despite the relative ease and simplicity of the project, it does require diligence and perseverance. Suhri said the highlight of his experience had been teaching his students skills and values that will last a lifetime, such as respect for farmers and making responsible choices that help keep the earth green.

Salsabila said her experience cultivating rice had made her appreciate how hard farmers work. “Before, I used to take rice for granted and let leftovers go to waste,” she said. “Now I only take what I can finish.”

Suhri said he hoped SMPN 209’s Bucket Rice Club would become a model for the food security solution in Indonesia.

“In the future, I hope this club can grow to the point that we can provide enough rice for SMPN 209 students,” he said. “Other schools interested in bringing the Bucket Rice Project to their yards are more than welcome to come and learn from us.”

Tautan :

1. Panen Padi bersama, di SMPN 209 Jakarta.

2. Siswi SMPN 209 Jakarta Tanam Padi di Sekolah


Jumat, 09 Maret 2012

In East Java, home gardens help women cut food spending

Elly Burhaini Faizal
The Jakarta Post, Jakarta |
Fri, 03/09/2012 8:08 AM

A government initiative has helped women in Pacitan, East Java, reduce their individual household monthly food spending by Rp 195,000 (US$21.45) to Rp 700,000.

The program, Kawasan Rumah Pangan Lestari (KRPL), was designed to help rural women become self-sufficient in food production.

“Empowering rural women will be critical, as they are crucial partners in fighting hunger and poverty due to their key role in the food supply chain,” Yusni Emilia Harahap, a staff expert on environmental issues at the Agriculture Ministry, said.

The program promotes home gardens as a way for women to meet daily needs while reducing food expenditures.

“The model has been replicated in several areas and we hope that it can be expanded further with support from the Agriculture Ministry and other stakeholders who are concerned about food security,” Yusni said, adding that the project had been implemented at the local level in Central Java, East Java and South Sulawesi.

If successful and home gardens become widespread, the program would increase the nation’s food production and security, she added.

Yusni said that the agriculture sector was facing a heavy burden due to increased demand for food from a growing population.

“Amid limited food resources, it is crucial for us to maintain food sufficiency by making use of local resources,” she said during a discussion entitled “Empower Rural Women: End Hunger and Poverty”.

The program was held by the United Nations Information Center (UNIC) and the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) to mark International Women’s Day on March 8.

According to data from UNFPA, rural women comprise 25 percent of the world’s population, while the Food Agriculture Organization (FAO) said that women comprised half the global population of farmers.

However, women lacked resources, including financing, and less than 20 percent of all land owners were women, according to the reports.

Citing Agriculture Ministry data, Yusni said that the nation’s agricultural sector accounted for 15 percent of Indonesian GDP in 2010 and for 40 percent of the national work force.

Also at the conference, Dian Kartika Sari, secretary-general of the Indonesia Women’s Coalition for Justice and Democracy (KPI), said empowering rural women was a relevant issue for the nation.

Citing reports, Dian said 68,900 of Indonesia’s 70,000 urban and rural areas were villages. “It means that [more than] 95 percent of the areas in Indonesia are villages,” Dian said.

According to the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), the number of poor people in Indonesia reached 34.96 million people in 2008, 63 percent of whom lived in rural areas.

“The number of poor urban people are declining while the number of poor people residing in rural areas continue to soar. There is a huge development gap between rural and urban areas,” Dian said.

Meanwhile, Ita Nadia, a UN advisor to the Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection Ministry, said listening to and supporting rural women was fundamental to ending poverty and hunger and achieving peace and development that was sustainable.

Wonogiri, 9 Maret 2012

Sumber : http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2012/03/09/in-east-java-home-gardens-help-women-cut-food-spending.html

Senin, 06 Februari 2012

Jaga Ketersediaan Pangan, SBY Ajak Masyarakat Bercocok Tanam di Rumah

Rachmadin Ismail - detikNews
Selasa, 07/02/2012 13:20 WIB

Jakarta - Seiring bertambahnya jumlah penduduk muncul kekhawatiran soal ketersediaan pangan. Untuk mencegah kelaparan, perlu dilakukan semangat bercocok tanam di lingkungan masyarakat. Langkah itu bisa dimulai di pekarangan rumah sendiri.

Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) memaparkan persoalan itu di depan ratusan peserta seminar Jakarta Food Security Summit yang digagas KADIN di JCC, Senayan, Jakarta, Selasa (7/2/2012).

Menurut SBY, angka pertumbuhan penduduk harus juga dibarengi dengan sistem ketahanan yang mumpuni.

Berdasarkan data FAO, penduduk dunia saat ini berjumlah 7 miliar dan diprediksi akan bertambah hingga 9 miliar di tahun 2045. Dengan angka tersebut, Indonesia setidaknya harus bisa meningkatkan produksi pangannya hingga 60 persen dari jumlah sekarang.

Bagaimana mencukupinya? SBY memberi contoh kondisi masyarakat di Pacitan, Jawa Timur. Di kampung halaman SBY tersebut, masyarakat sudah aktif bercocok tanam untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-harinya mulai di rumah sendiri.

"Di sana rumahnya kecil-kecil, tapi sudah menanaman tanaman pangan seperti tomat, cabai dan sayuran," ucap SBY.

"Kalau rumah tangga didorong seperti ini, bisa berkaitan dengan ketahanan pangan atau food security," sambungnya.

Selain itu, SBY juga mencontohkan beberapa kondisi di daerah lain, seperti Yahukimo, Papua, kampung nelayan, hingga nasib para petani bawang di Brebes. SBY menyimpulkan, perlu ada perbaikan teknologi dalam bercocok tanam, khususnya untuk daerah yang memiliki persoalan cuaca.

Tidak hanya itu, insentif bagi para petani juga harus menjadi perhatian penting. Bila itu tidak dilakukan, maka mau tidak mau, permintaan dan ketersediaan barang bakal tidak seimbang.

"Kalau insentif kecil, petani tak mau menanam. Ini mempengaruhi supply," tegasnya.

Karena itu, SBY kembali mengingatkan pentingnya menjaga ketersediaan pangan di Indonesia. Kalangan pengusaha yang tergabung di KADIN juga diminta supaya terus memperhatikan sektor agribisnis.

"Marilah kita tidak lengah dan sungguh serius untuk menemukan cara efektif untuk mengatasi masalah itu. Jadikan krisis sebagai peluang," pesan SBY yang tampil berbatik ini.


Sumber : DetikNews, 7 Februari 2012